Saturday 4 April 2009

Informatica Strange Problems

Some time we encounter strange problem while working with informatica.I would like to highlight some problem  which no way seems to be logical

Error : Informatica Debugger: Invalid session can not be debugged .Select a valid session instance to use


Problem : You are trying to run your mapping in debug mode by selecting valid session but you are getting below error even though your session is valid.

Solution :

1)      Copy your mapping Suppose M1 as M1_Debug

2)      Make your session as reusable

3)      Making your Initial Mapping M1 as invalid by someway

4)      Now refresh your session it will ask for new mapping then select M1_debug

5)      Revalidate your session

6)      Try to run your mapping(M1_debug) using second option use existing reusable instance for mapping

Now you should be able to run your mapping in debugger mode

Though it not a 100% correct method but it worked in my case but it is worth trying

 If you hit same issue but are not able to resolve please email to

 Or if you find some better solution please share with us

Error : CMN_1892 Error: Data for Lookup [] fetched from the file [] is not sorted on the condition ports

Problem : You are suddenly started getting this error though you are not using lookup with sorted ports. You also tried all the things like using sorted file etc.

Solution : For us suddenly file size increased almost 10 times and we started getting this error .We tried all the thing but it did not work.

In the end we increased Lookup Data Cache size and Lookup Index Cache size and it started working fine.

Though it not a 100% correct method but it worked in my case but it is worth trying

 If you hit same issue but are not able to resolve please email to

Please not both of these issues we encountered on Informatica 7.1.1

 Or if you find some better solution please share with us  

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  1. Hi guys,

    Is there any way I can use something like a parameter in the Event wait Task to check for a filename that changes each time and enter the parameter file name in the Workflow properties since it cannot be at the session level ..

    My issue is I get an indicator file saying that a CSV ( name which changes every run) has been sent to an FTP location to start the workflow.. I get the CSV filename from a table and create an indirect file and try to run the workflow. We have realized that the FTP becomes slow when the CSV filesize is large and is never there even though the dummy indicator/trigger file gets created and starts the workflow, which fails with a file not found message because the FTP file comes much after... Please Help ..

    Something like this where filename to watch would be a parameter in the Event Wait Task.

    /apps/informatica/shared/admin/FIN/ EA_FIN_Dev_860/SrcFiles/$$INPUTFILE

  2. Thanks for the post

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